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Buckwheat Honey

Highly nutritious and rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, dark-amber honey with a malty flavor and moderate nutty sweetness. The taste of buckwheat honey is definitely not something you expect it to be! It is so strong and robust - I really enjoyed it! Katie, S., American Raw Honey customer. You will recognize raw organic buckwheat honey by its appearance,...

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Highly nutritious and rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, dark-amber honey with a malty flavor and moderate nutty sweetness.

The taste of buckwheat honey is definitely not something you expect it to be! It is so strong and robust - I really enjoyed it!

Katie, S., American Raw Honey customer.

You will recognize raw organic buckwheat honey by its appearance, aroma and taste. Dark in color with a strong spicy scent, raw buckwheat honey has an intense flavor and is unlike any honey you have ever tried. The darker the color, the higher the mineral and antioxidant content. 

Grown in the four-season climate of Utah, the buckwheat flowers produce nectar that is fortified with vitamins and antioxidants. The climate of western mountainous states, with low humidity and thin air, is the perfect setting for bees to produce their honey. Our raw unfiltered buckwheat honey never has preservatives or sweeteners added, letting you enjoy the full benefits of nature’s finest.

One teaspoon each day will uplift your immune system, decelerate aging and fight off viruses and disease. Treat your sore throat to a soothing dark raw honey treatment, and the fiery-hot pain will soon be gone.

Buckwheat Honey: Its Uses & Benefits

Explore new sides of taste with our buckwheat honey.

When you look at the jar, you might think, “Wow, this doesn’t look like honey at all!” In fact, buckwheat honey does not only look special - it also tastes different. It has a spicy malt flavor and a strong aroma. It might not be as sweet as other kinds of honey, but it’s certainly the healthiest.

The only jar of vitamins you’ll need.

Boost your immune system with just one spoonful a day.

Buckwheat honey helps you in many ways. It makes the body heal faster and keeps your sugar level low (unbelievable, huh?). It can also be used as a sore throat treatment. Just eat a bit every day and see what happens!

Buckwheat honey is a strong natural antioxidant. 

Use this tasty treat for your benefit.

Buckwheat is well known as a great source of vitamins and antioxidants. Honey made from buckwheat flower nectar is ranked #1 out of all kinds of honey for its concentration of antioxidants. Antioxidants play an important role in slowing down the body’s aging process and preventing various diseases.

Flavorful. Healthy. Tasty. Special. 

The rich taste and the healing power of buckwheat flower nectar. 

  • Since we want to keep our product as natural as possible, we do not add any preservatives or sweeteners. This honey is delivered to you directly from the buckwheat fields of Oregon. 
  • Mix it with drinks or add it to your favorite foods as a healthy substitute for sugar. You can mix it into baked goods, like gingerbread cookies, banana bread, buckwheat honey cake, etc.
  • To treat sore throats and coughs, dissolve it in a warm herbal tea or just swallow it alone. 
  • Enjoy and love every spoonful of it, as our little bees worked really hard to collect the nectar from the tiny buckwheat flowers. 

Try today and experience the unique taste of pure buckwheat honey! 


Warning: Children under the age of one year should not consume raw honey.
